Webcast Tomorrow: Smart Grid and AMI Security Concerns

The characters, places and events described herein are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to individuals living or dead is purely coincidental, kthxbye.

The characters, places and events described herein are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to individuals living or dead is purely coincidental, kthxbye.

Tomorrow at 1pm EST Matt Carpenter (InGuardians), Walt Sikura (Industrial Defender) and I are delivering a webcast titled “Smart Grid and AMI Security Concerns” where we talk about the security challenges of the smart grid, discussing tools and techniques through which an attacker could exploit the security of the smart grid.

I’m very fortunate to get the chance to present with both Matt and Walt on a topic which I find no only fascinating but of significant importance as we roll out more and more smart grid systems in North America and throughout the world. The webcast is hosted through WebEx and you can sign up at:


We’re also planning to do this as a trilogy, where we’ll spend more time in later presentation digging in deeper into attach methodologies and defense techniques, as well as what we are doing to exploit and secure smart grid components.
